2024-11-19 15:03:54
5⃣️Go a long way
📝英英释义:1. to achieve much success. 取得很大成功 2. to be very adequate, useful or helpful. 非常足够、有用
✍🏻实用例句:Don‘t do anything rash—patience will go a long way toward bringing you allies in this situation.
6️⃣Ahead of the curve
📝英英释义:at the forefront of or leading in something, such as a developing situation, field of study or business, social development, etc. 领先、走在前沿
✍🏻实用例句:Our expert advice will help you stay ahead of the curve.
7️⃣in a month of Sundays
📝英英释义:Something that is going to take a LONG TIME. A seemingly endless or prolonged period of time. 要花很长时间、遥遥无期、根本不可能(短期内实现等)
✍🏻实用例句:It will take you a month of Sundays to get through all the revisions.
8️⃣Wear out
📝英英释义:1. to make someone feel very tired. 精疲力尽、非常疲惫
2. to use something a lot so that it no longer works, or can no longer be used. 磨损、用坏
✍🏻实用例句:I read that book over and over till I wore it out.