
羊驼不会馋 2024-12-11 16:43:05
4️⃣1️⃣Sort out 📝英英释义: 1. to understand or resolve a problem or conflict. 2. to arrange according to or category. 解决、整理 ✍🏻实用例句: It took me an hour to sort out the problem with my reservation. 4️⃣2️⃣Deep down 📝英英释义: at bottom, basically. In your most private thoughts; in reality rather than in appearance. 本质上、打心底说 ✍🏻实用例句: I tried to put on a brave face after the breakup, but deep down I was in agony. 4️⃣3️⃣Off the cuff 📝英英释义: casually and spontaneously; without planning or preparation. 即兴地、未经准备地 ✍🏻实用例句: I didn't have time to organize my thoughts, so I just spoke off the cuff. 4️⃣4️⃣Have a lot on one’s plate 📝英英释义: have a great deal (or too much) to cope with. To have a lot to do. 有很多事要做、忙得不可开交 ✍🏻实用例句: I just have a lot on my plate right now while I'm finishing up my degree and doing this huge project for work. 🦙我是羊驼学长,大三英专生,期待你的关🐷,我会持续为你分享地道表达和好书榜单[飞吻R]!

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