
恒河水包容一切 2025-03-02 00:22:56


🔹1:“We see Russia, Iran, North Korea, very openly working together, more covertly also China, and we need to counter these threats and we need to do this together(我们看到俄罗斯、伊朗、朝鲜非常公开地合作,中国也更加隐蔽地合作,我们需要共同应对这些威胁)”

🔹2:“Well, it’s not only the Baltic region. I mean, this is one of the things where I think we should also cooperate more to develop the international law further. Because if you think about the UNCLOS and the maritime rules that we have, they are not in place for the times when we have actually cables running on the seabed. I mean, the cables between Taiwan and Islands and Taiwan have been cut over 30 times. It is a pattern. And what we see, I mean, the cable cutting in the Baltic Sea is one part of the bigger picture that we see the hybrid war that is going on against Europe. Now the Secretary General of NATO said, “Why are we using the hybrid war? Because it seems like it’s a soft and something not serious enough,” where what it actually is state-sponsored terrorism. We see arsons of warehouses, we see sabotage acts, we also see cyber attacks, we see different destabilization acts going on(不只是波罗的海地区。我的意思是,这也是我认为我们应该加强合作,进一步发展国际法的地方之一。因为如果你考虑一下《联合国海洋法公约》和我们所拥有的海洋规则,它们并不适合我们在海底铺设电缆的时候。我的意思是,台湾和岛屿之间的电缆已经被切断了 30 多次。这是一种模式。我们所看到的,我的意思是,波罗的海的电缆被切断是我们看到的针对欧洲的混合战争的更大画面的一部分。现在,北约秘书长说:我们为什么使用混合战争?因为这似乎是一种软性的、不够严肃的东西,而它实际上是国家支持的恐怖主义。我们看到纵火焚烧仓库,我们看到破坏行为,我们还看到网络攻击,我们看到各种破坏稳定的行为)”

🔹3:“ And my feeling is that their wish is that we are back to the place where might makes right and you don’t have the protection of international law really(我的感觉是,他们(中国和俄罗斯,前文提到)的愿望是我们回到强权即公理的时代,而你确实没有得到国际法的保护)”

🔹4:“And of course China is very friendly with us now, but we need to have the discussions on our China policy. So far it has been so that de-risking, really not to put all the eggs in one basket. De-risking in the areas where the risks are higher, and cooperating in other areas with China. And of course here, what America does plays a big role(当然,中国现在对我们非常友好,但我们需要就对华政策进行讨论。迄今为止,我们一直在降低风险,而不是把所有鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里。在风险较高的领域降低风险,在其他领域与中国合作。当然,在这方面,美国的所作所为起着重要作用)”、“We collectively are not able to really pressure Russia so much that it would have an effect, then how do you say that you’re able to take on China risk?(如果我们集体无法真正对俄罗斯施压以至于产生影响,那么你怎么能说你有能力应对中国的威胁呢?)”

🔹5:“We’re actually going to delete it from the recording because we don’t want the Chinese to hear that answer that you just gave(实际上,我们要把它从录音中删掉,因为我们不想让中国人听到你刚才的回答)”、“Kaja Kallas: Okay. Sorry(卡娅卡拉斯:好吧,抱歉)”

🔹6:“But my point is, I just want,If we don’t get Russia right, we don’t get China right either.That’s my point(但是,我只是想指出:如果我们无法战胜俄罗斯,我们同样无法战胜中国,这就是我的观点)”


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