【CMU Advanced NLP S2025:卡内基梅隆大学春季2025高级自然语言处理课程,带你深入探索NLP前沿技术。亮点:1. 聚焦神经网络现代方法,涵盖建模、学习与推理算法;2. 提供丰富的实践项目,助力学生复现并改进研究论文;3. 课程资源丰富,包含详细课件与代码示例】
'Advanced natural language processing is an introductory graduate-level course on natural language processing aimed at students who are interested in doing cutting-edge research in the field. In it, we describe fundamental tasks in natural language processing as well as methods to solve these tasks.'
自然语言处理 深度学习 课程资源 AI创造营