
天翰英语 2024-04-08 00:54:32


英 ['fɪdʒɪt] 美 ['fɪdʒɪt]

vt.使坐立不安 vi.坐立不安 n.烦躁;烦躁之人


“ [fidget这个词源于中古英语中的 “feden” 或 “fidge”,意为 “焦虑不安”,可能源自于古英语的 “fitt”,意为 “抽搐” 或 “发作”]”

◉Usage Examples

(1) Some people stare at their screen and fidget.

(2) You'll fidget, and you'll be tempted to light up.

(3) They tend to fidget and lose focus easily.

(4) You'll fidget, and you'll be tempted to light up.

(5) They tend to fidget and lose focus easily.

(1) 有些人盯住屏幕,坐立不安。

(2) 您会烦躁不安而且有点燃香烟的冲动。

(3) 他们容易烦躁,精力不够集中。

(4) 您会烦躁不安而且有点燃香烟的冲动。

(5) 他们容易烦躁,精力不够集中。

◉Usage notes

To fidget is to make little movements with your hands and feet. Even if you're nervous during your job interview, try not to fidget.

The word fidget is related to the Old Norse fikja, meaning "move briskly, be restless or eager." If you are feeling impatient or anxious you might fidget in your seat or fidget with a pen in your hands. A person who fidgets a lot can be referred to as a fidget and so can that quick anxious movement itself.


1. [VERB 动词]坐立不安;烦躁 If you fidget, you keep moving your hands or feet slightly or changing your position slightly, for example because you are nervous, bored, or excited. [V] [V P]

① Brenda fidgeted in her seat.


Fidget around and fidget about mean the same as fidget .fidget around 和 fidget about 同 fidget

② There were two new arrivals, fidgeting around, waiting to ask questions.


2. [VERB 动词](由于紧张或无聊)摆弄,拨弄 If you fidget with something, you keep moving it or touching it with your fingers with small movements, for example because you are nervous or bored. [V with n]

① He fidgeted with his tie...


② The priest fidgeted nervously with his black rosary beads.



① The child couldn’t sit still and kept fidgeting during the. (《The New York Times》)


② Stop fidgeting with your pen and focus on the presentation. (《The Economist》)


③ She fidgeted nervously as she waited for the interview to start. (《The Guardian》 - 2023年2月)


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