
幻树艺术空间 2021-10-27 15:36:57




1996年应美国女艺术家联盟之邀参加首展在纽约联合国大厦举办的BEIJING AND BEYOND国际巡回展。1999年作品“夜与昼”获美国亚太艺术研究院颁发的优秀奖并赴华盛顿市参加颁奖仪式。1998年及2008年两次在中国美术馆举办个展;2019年在嘉德艺术中心举办大型个展“光之语—雷双艺术展”。由哈佛大学出版、由美国艺术史学者撰写的《身体的印刻与性别的经典:当代中国的女性艺术(Inscribing the Body and Gendering the Canon: Women’s Artin Contemporary China.)》,有针对雷双艺术的专题学术性分析、讨论,刊载四幅艺术作品。

Art resume

•• Lei Shuang, originally from Changsha, Hunan, was born in a scholarly family. His grandfather Lei Ke and his two brothers are known as the "Three Masters of Hunan History" in the history of Chinese art. Now living in Beijing. National first-class artist. Graduated from the Fifth Creative Research Class of the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

•• In 1996, invited by the American Women Artists League to participate in the first exhibition of the BEIJING AND BEYOND international tour exhibition held at the United Nations Building in New York. In 1999, his work "Night and Day" won the Excellence Award from the Asia Pacific Art Institute and went to Washington to participate in the award ceremony. In 1998 and 2008, he held two solo exhibitions at the National Art Museum of China; in 2019, he held a  solo exhibition "Language of Light-Lei Shuang Art Exhibition" at the Guardian Art Center. "Inscribing the Body and Gendering the Canon: Women's Art in Contemporary China.", published by Harvard University and written by an American art historian, has a specific focus on the art of Lei Shuang Special academic analysis and discussion, four works of art are published.


1991年  《首届中国油画年展》北京 历史博物馆

1992年 《首届中国油画年展》香港 会议展览中心

1993年 《93’中国油画年展》北京 中国美术馆

1993年 《雷双作品展》隔山画馆 台北 高雄

1993年 《青年油画家邀请展》北京 中国美术馆

1994年 《雷双油画近作展》隔山画馆 台北 高雄

1994年 《第二届中国油画展》北京 中国美术馆

1994年   《八届全国美展》河南省博物馆

1994年 《新铸联杯油画精品大展》北京 中国美术馆 获优秀奖

1995年 《中华女画家邀请展》北京 中国美术馆;作品被中国美术馆收藏

1996-1997年 应美国女艺术家联盟邀请参加《BEIJING AND BEYOND》国际巡回展,首展纽约联合国大厦及纽约OMNI画廊 芝加哥ARC画廊 奥克兰大MILLS学院画廊 华盛顿州立大学画廊等等

1996年 《首届中国油画学会展》北京 中国美术馆1996年 《第三届中国油画年展》北京 中国美术馆

1997年 《中国油画肖像艺术百年展》北京 中国美术馆

1998年 《世纪女性艺术展》北京 中国美术馆 作品被泰达艺术博物馆收藏

1998年 《雷双油画展》北京 中国美术馆

1999年 《雷双油画作品展》北京 可创铭佳艺苑



2003年 《雷双作品展》伦敦 BLOXHAM画廊

2003年 《国际艺术家秋季联展》伦敦

2003年 《今日中国美术大展》北京 中华世纪坛

2003年 《第三届中国油画展》北京 中国美术馆

2005年 《IDAA国际数码艺术首届北京巡回展 》北京 今日美术馆

2006年 《IDAA国际数码艺术大展》 北京 北京电影学院

2006年  《中国国际艺术品投资与收藏博览会》北京 北京展览馆,获铜奖。

2008年 《非常花——雷双作品展》北京 中国美术馆2008年 《进行时•女性》艺术展 北京 798木真了艺术馆

2008年 《进行时•2008放飞南京艺术邀请展》南京 凤凰美术馆 作品被凤凰美术馆收藏

2009年 《无镜——女性艺术展》北京 798白盒子艺术馆 2009年 《她们——中国当代女艺术家联展》北京 环铁时代美术馆

2010年 《自我画像:女性艺术在中国(1920——2010)专题展》 北京 中央美院美术馆

2010年 《上海世博会中国艺术邀请展》上海 作品被收藏2010年 《2010中国女性艺术大展》北京 中国妇女儿童博物馆2010年 《 从马奈出发——当代油画名家邀请展》北京 马奈草地美术馆2010年 《百年如歌——纪念国际妇女解放运动100周年邀请展》北京 炎黄艺术馆2011年 《素年锦时——十位女性艺术家个案》北京 元典美术馆

2011年 《彼岸花》北京 798桥舍画廊

2011年 《正午•雷双作品展》北京 红子兰画廊2012年 《鸾凤齐鸣》北京 树美术馆

2015年 《美好年代,非常女声》北京 马奈草地美术馆

2015年 《和声—雷双抽象表现艺术展》北京锦都艺术作品被泰康美术馆收藏

2016年 《锦都艺术中心馆藏展》 北京 锦都艺术

2016年《走出牡丹亭》中国当代女性艺术展 圣彼得堡 民族博物馆

2017年 《红—当代油画女性艺术家作品展》北京 树美术馆

2018年 《中国新意象绘画群展》北京 798圣之空间

2019年 《她世界》北京 今日美术馆

2019年 《光之语—雷双艺术展》北京  嘉德艺术中心作品被招商银行收藏

2020年 《无缘无.故》十三位艺术家邀请展 北京798朗空美术馆

2020年《美术书法摄影艺术大展》日本 东京中国文化中心 作品被收藏

2021年 《同构—当代艺术作品邀请展》深圳 罗湖美术馆

2021年 《她艺术;不可定义》成都 特想艺术空间 获优秀奖

2021年 《破竹2021-中国经典与当代绘画艺术邀请展》苏州 梵融美术馆

2021年 《爱要发电-当代艺术家邀请展》上海 Polis Space





大自然的和声Nature's Harmony 114x180cm 2021

光寂Light and Silence 100x160cm 2021

光寂Light and Silence 2x(146x114cm) 2019-2020

时间之镜Mirror of Time (2) 146x114cm 2019

时间之镜The Mirror of Time (3) 146x114cm 2019

向里尔克致意-看见与看不见的 Tribute to Rilke series-Visible and invisible 146x114cm 2020

向里尔克致意-玫瑰,纯粹的矛盾Tribute to Rilke series-Rose, pure contradiction 100x80cm 2020

向里尔克致意-众多的眼睑Tribute to Rilke series-numerous eyelids 100x80cm 2020

新天使New Angel 114x146cm 2021, 08 in the epidemic closed

有光系列2021 Luminous Series 100x160cm 2021

有光系列-荷之波Luminous Series-Wave of Lotus 104x180cm 2019




Xia Kejun (curator, critic) | Lei Shuang's Words of Light: The Contribution of Painting (excerpt)

Lei Shuang's art is real noumenon painting and pure painting.


From Sunflower to Lotus, Lei Shuang's painting expresses the inner emotional tension between a deep sense of sadness and fiery determination. The sunflowers, with their fierce and uplifting life poses, in her Sunflower Heads are unforgettable. Unlike Van Gogh’s painting, these sunflower heads are broken, pointing to a painful modern life. Van Gogh just cut off his ears; but the thorough brokenness of Lei Shuang's work surpasses that of his. It suggests the pain and suffering of the individual’s life, manifesting a rare quality in contemporary painting. In the Rose series, the paintings are allowed to enter the soul’s trembling. This is the straight and straight in the lament, and a lament amid the openness so that the singing of rose can obtain the poetic depth of tragedy.


Later, Lei Shuang returned to the inner artistic concept of traditional Chinese ink painting to dissolve the individual's sense of emptiness in modernity and let the individual's singing blend in with the vastness of nature, creating Harmony of Nature, the Light series and Fold and Unfold. These works led Lei Shuang to pay more attention to the water-like transformation of oil painting, and subtly combine oil and water, light and gasification. Lei Shuang explored the possibility of oil painting language to coexist between abstract composition and a natural state. The most remarkable works are the Light Silence series which she started in 2016. In them, she enables Chinese painting to regain the mystery of that feeling of commonality with the universe. It’s an enlightening cosmic language, an extremely simple but extremely beautiful gesture of line and mark. It’s also poetic salvation, the most appropriate expression of poetic artistic and religious language in contemporary times. Only the universal language of Chinese painting can produce its own principles.


Wang Duanting (Director and Researcher, Foreign Art Research Office, Institute of Fine Arts, Chinese Academy of Art ): The Rational Standard of Abstract Art (excerpt)


Among the works of Lei Shuang's abstract expressionism style, I most appreciate the Light Silence series. This series has a more distinct personality, with light and colour, imagination and rationality. Her so-called rationality is mainly reflected in the use of spiral geometric curves, which is particularly unique. I think this is a very unique form among all the abstract expressionist paintings in China. I call such works abstract becausethis kind of abstraction is the revelation of the essence of life and the universe. In China, a large number of people rely on intuition and sensibility to paint. They often use the method of splashing colour and ink to make so-called abstract paintings. This form presents an accidental image through the natural flow of the colour. But it still simulates the external appearance of nature, which is contrary to abstract art. I even think that if there is no sense, what is the value of an abstract painting?


Therefore, I must still emphasize the standard of abstract art and the rationality of abstract art. From this point of view, Lei Shuang's Light Silence series delivers a new look for Chinese abstract expressionist painting, which I think is a breakthrough and is very valuable. Abstract expressionism has become a style of folk painting in the West. It is not easy to create a new look now. Lei Shuang has opened a new door for abstract expressionism through this geometric style.


Tao Yongbai (Researcher, Institute of Fine Arts, Chinese Academy of Art) : Two Forms in Lei Shuang's Works (excerpt)


From the 1990s till now, many artists have only increased the number of their works, with few qualitative leaps, including many female painters who have stagnated since the 1990s. There are few people in their own closed off world like Lei Shuang who constantly challenge, explore and leap forward, and create new painting forms in new dimensions. She’s gone from figurative to imagism and then to abstract – from symbolic expressionism to abstract expressionism. Today, she is famous for her brilliant achievements.


... Lei Shuang'sic work is the post-2000 Sunflowers, in which the sunflowers are a political symbol. 1998’s Night and Day, 2005’s Red Writing and 2007’s Sunflower, for example, symbolize contradiction, confrontation, helplessness, and irony. They reflect the pain of the times and highlight people's experience of surviving. Her painting Sunflower, with its unique symbolic language, was tremendously powerful.


Cao Xing Yuan (Professor, art and culture academic, Department of Art History, University of British Columbia): Lei Shuang's Painting is the Light of the Mind Wave (excerpt)


As I see it, these lights in Lei Shuang's works are to show the viewer her own inner light using a colour model of her own soul. She is an artist who uses the sense of light to cry out in the picture. These lights have neither a fixed form nor a fixed source, demonstrating the omnipresent and unprojectable feelings of entanglement, fear and perseverance within her mind. The light series of paintings are like silent sparks, the result of the stalemate between her and these fears. The sparks have no temperature, and they are silent too. They just exist quietly, like her works. You could say that she represents the theme and psychology of women. You could also say that she shows the speechless and silent outpouring of a helpless woman, or even a struggle devoid of temperature. These works are a sharp and shapeless sense of light – when viewing these works this sense of light erodes the ends of our visual nerves and produces a resonance with her works. The light of her inner life and the tangle of her life must be radiated. Her light series recreates the mind waves of in her innermost mind – do you feel them?

(中国美术馆研究员)徐虹:“花”的力量 (节选)

Xu Hong (Researcher, National Art Museum of China): The Power of “Flowers” (excerpt)


Observing female art in the 1990s, I viewed Lei Shuang's flowers as a symbol. I connected her flowers to the life of the individual. I believed that she was describing women’s experience of life and growing up in a variant way. 现在我仍然在用女性主义的方式观看和分析这些作品,因为雷双的葵花和梵高以及其他艺术家的完全不一样,她是把它看做是自己生命的部分、身体组织的内容,情绪和生长背景


Today I still view and analyze these works in a feminist way because Lei Shuang's Sunflower is totally different from Van Gogh and other artists' sunflowers. She regards them as a part of her life, part of her bodily tissue, part of her emotions and background, as various complex structures that form a networked platform of life, rather than just a symbol or concept. The Sunflower series of works represent the characteristics of Lei Shuang's art. Lei Shuang is different from other people. She has her own rash and reckless style, her own experience of life. She represents a characteristic of Chinese women living in this ever-changing, fast-paced society. We feel her impatience in her works, her perplexity and confusion about life flying by, her wariness about, and fear of, blood and life, her sensitivity and courage. Why does art move people? Where does this passion come from? For this, I would like to thank Lei Shuang, who has unquestionably shown us the ambiguous course of life.


Song Xiaoxia (Professor School of Humanities, Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Lei Shuang: A Dancer of Spirit (excerpt)


The development of Lei Shuang's painting style is not entirely based on the pursuit of formal structure. In other words, her long-term exploration of artistic language has simultaneously led her to self-enlightenment. The Flowers of the Soul series, Sunflower series, and Salute to Rilke series all bear Lei Shuang's "historical" memory and experience reality.


…juxtaposing "painting" and "words", Lei Shuang uses "wings" to find the visual form that can reflect spiritual power and pursues the spiritual energy of the works. Maybe it is her conscious gaze at the identity of literati artists from the perspective of painting and literature. Such a state of artistic creation, that is, the state of existence of life, allows Lei Shuang to transcend the gap between Chinese and Western painting traditions and trace back to Chinese "lyric tradition" in the contemporary context


雷双与策展人贾方舟先生在“鸾凤齐鸣展 ”开幕式2012年

中国美术馆第二次个展“非常花-雷双作品展”开幕式 ,栗宪庭到场






于 锦都艺术中心2015“和声-雷双艺术展”到场的部分嘉宾有:于建嵘、陶咏白,西川、张国龙,王璜生,蔡锦,邓平祥、许德民等等。





Dance Beside the Abyss of Nothingness

雷双 lei shuang


I am a person who lives for expression. Painting is the thing I am most enthralled with (the second is words). It’s a medium for expressing my feelings, desires and thoughts.


In fact, my passion for, and pursuit of, art is a way to combat a sense of emptiness and a reason to keep living. Art is a manifestation of spirit. For me, painting is also a process of spiritual “self-immolation”. This spirit finds a way to combine with objects to create its own rhetoric, so that the free and intense body and mind can obtain an external form.


I call my artistic creation Dance Beside the Abyss of Nothingness. My works such asSunflower, Rose, Lotus, and other abstract works, are derived from an artistic reality created by a person full of a sense of emptiness in life. The philosopher Deleuze said:“when people think they inevitably face lines of life and death, reason and madness, which roll you up completely. People can only think along this sorcerer’s line”. I am stepping on this sorcerer’s line, onto this process of endless birth and endless death.


Looking back at my artistic career – from the black and white Bottle Flower of the early 1990s to the red and black Big Flower series that followed, to the post-2000s’Lotus and Sunflower, all the way to the abstract expressionist and figurative Rose –most are related to black and white. I think that the base colour of my thoughts benefits from the gift of the night. The tendency for black and white to appear in my art is a kind of half-conscious choice. Perhaps it is also related to the black blood (ink painting) of my literati ancestors flowing in my veins.


I have two kinds of abstract works: Light Silence pertains to looking up at the sky, while Fold or Unfold and Harmony of Nature pertain to listening to the earth. Bothrepresent the experience of the "unknown" triggered by objective counterparts.


My works have the style of life, so the creation of life possibility causes all elements of the image to manifest "the power of non-organic life". I agree with Roland Barthes that artistic style is not a deliberate choice, but a product of the author's body and experience. My creation seems to be a continuous stream of works from the "conception" of the body. Those works are a bit like Deleuze’s "roots", intertwined, responding to, and connected with, each other, and sometimes starting to self-reproduce at a certain node. I don't “think” during the process of painting, I am “living” in this process - although free-form ideas inspire me from time to time.






新骑士国际艺术联盟成立于2013年底,由国际著名艺术家冯相成先生创办。 总部在加拿大BC省维多利亚市,在欧美,澳洲设立分部,以致力于当代绘画的研究和探索。联盟绘画突出天才性征,艺术家肩负精神的深度挖掘和对绘画内涵革命性的创新发展,其样式独特,理念统一,具有不可复制性,在手法上寻求激进爆发式的现代骑士精神特征。



International Society of abstract arts


International Overseas Chinese Creation

Society for Landscaping Paintings







































冯相成   (加拿大)

常世江   (吉林)

王灬       (湖北)

伊灵       (北京)

丁蔚       (上海)

丁一       (上海)

谭钧        (重庆)

蓝充       (甘肃)

曾垂法    (广东)

张玉峰    (新疆)

黄守义    (上海)

杨于弘    (江西)

杨建锋    (常州)

牛水才    (山西)

易婷        (河北)

王世勇    (加拿大)

田霞        (加拿大)

刘芮伊   (美国)




——苏州梵融美术馆  上海一沁堂会所展示空间  常州柒号美术馆

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