
国礼收藏时代名家 2024-06-03 15:49:23







Chen Ming Chan personal profile, original name: Chen Chan, stage name: Chen Ming Chan, No. Bo Ya Xian, national first-class artist, national senior artist, native of Guangdong, born in 1963, settled in Shenzhen. Like to collect and invest in original art, is the chairman of Shenzhen Art Co. , Ltd. , Chen Mingchan's works, each are unique, rare original works, the formation of Chinese native has a unique rich connotation of art works. Chen Mingchan loved poetry and painting art from childhood, in the eighties on the“Jianghan literature” and“Jianghan Daily” published poems and articles. In 2011,15 poetry and painting works were selected into the excellent works collection of the catalogue of Chinese art talent pool, in 2013, “Harmonious forest”, “Green manor”, “Stand out” was selected in the“Contemporary strength of the oil painters” 10 album, known as contemporary Chinese poet and painter. Works selected in 2016, celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, “Vanguard of the times”. 2017 welcomes the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China “Never forget your roots, keep moving forward” and the stamp album of Outstanding Chinese artists from the United States and China, 2018 honours the French Arts Hall, Outstanding Chinese artist for “Paris on Ink”, Best Creative Award and Best Cultural and Artistic Contribution Award of the Chinese It's a Wonderful Life.A number of works in the 2019“Culture is strong, culture is strong” series have been security by the China Post Stamp album. “Model of the times” has been employed as vice-chairman of the Guangdong branch of the Chinese Cultural Construction Commission, and vice-chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference -CPPCCppcc) , award: Guangdong Province calligraphy and painting art advanced workers. In 2020, he was invited to be a visiting professor at the Confucius Museum of Art. “Smile with a smile on your face” was collected by the National Museum of History, and won the outstanding inheritor of Chinese culture and the new era cultural and artistic achievement award. The 2021 was invited to be part of the collection of “Master of one hundred years -- new Chinese Art Festival”, a collection of works on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. A leading figure in the Chinese art scene, the first group of Chinese artists to go global, took part in the shooting of a personal documentary in April, representing Guangdong province to set up the Institute of Painting and calligraphy. In 1921-2021, it was selected into the“Chinese modern art yearbook”, which was compiled into the“World Art yearbook” from 1922 to 2022, and was selected as the model of Chinese painting and calligraphy. Chen Mingchan” and was selected by the China Philatelic Art Network to produce a philatelic collection to celebrate the ninety-five th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army army and to welcome the zero national congresses of the Communist Party of China.

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