
理群看小说 2024-06-06 05:04:36






男频 都市小说


穿成书中前期一名超级反派是种什么体验? 他表示丝毫不慌。 老爹手下有百万大军,有无敌神王之封号, 老妈心狠手辣,人族无数人惧怕。 而他出生就有至尊魔骨伴生,天赋无双。 官二代,富二代算什么,他是人族最顶级的神二代! 气运之子你说啥,你气运无双,奇遇不断? 他反手掏出天命反派系统,打压气运之子就能获得天命点。 主角的气运,不过是他的变强的养料。 眼看着实力越来越强了, 可咋刚开局,校花未婚妻为了主角,居然来刺杀他?这可咋整!

我,气运之子,开局奇遇不断 第27章


Of course, Chen was in the middle of a shut-up, and those were all speculations, but that did not prevent him from following through and pulling out some of the people behind the scenes.


The naked eye can be seen, and the face is white at once, with constant fear in its eyes.


我,气运之子,开局奇遇不断 How did God come up with that? 林清雪顾天


He had done so in a seamless manner and had killed and destroyed his body, leaving no evidence behind.


Ipfan, who had been pretending to be dead, was still full of tremors, and there was a lot of fear in his heart, because he couldn't get away with it.


If the forest snow really turns him in, he won't really kill him.

我,气运之子,开局奇遇不断 叶凡猛然将求助的目光投向顾天腳下不远的吞天魔戒,这一刻他的腸子都悔青了。 林清雪顾天

And he turned his eyes on the help of the Lord towards swallowing the Ring at the feet of the sky, a moment when his intestines repented.


He's too careless.

我,气运之子,开局奇遇不断 主要是没想到顾天竟然强横到這种變態的程度。 林清雪顾天

It's just that he didn't think he was going to be strong enough to be such a pervert.

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我,气运之子,开局奇遇不断 第15章


Lin Qingyue has been silent for a long time and suddenly whispers: "Thank you for saving my sister."

我,气运之子,开局奇遇不断 这是林清雪和顧天相识以来,她第一次主动向顧天低头,真心实意的表達感谢。 林清雪顾天

This is the first time that she has taken the initiative to express her sincere gratitude to God for having turned her back.


But she didn't know that, but it was all part of a conspiracy.


我,气运之子,开局奇遇不断 For a woman, you treat her unconditionally, and she thinks it's all for granted, but you suddenly change your attitude and occasionally treat her better, and she'll be grateful for it. 林清雪顾天


And at this point, Yefan, when he saw Lin Qingyue, sincerely thanked the gods for his madness and shouted, "You know what you're talking about, and you say thank you to the son of the mother's enemy."


"Lin Xiaoyue was lured into brainwashing by God. She humiliated me a lot earlier. You're right, I'm right."


Lin Qingxiang was even more disappointed with Yefan, and until now he still did not realize his mistakes.


Why didn't he see it before? He was so pretentious.

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我,气运之子,开局奇遇不断 第21章


No one has dared to show up on the ceiling for a long time.


"Looks like you've decided I can't do anything about you." And God smiles, and there's a very cold light in my eyes.


It appears that some of those behind the scenes thought that he was the one who would allow them to make little moves and not fight back.


"What can you do for me, let the strong of your family come to me and assassinate me?" "Truman's grinning unbridled, laughter with contempt for God.


She certainly knew about the fact that God was prepared to let Yefan be assassinated.




"Do you deserve it?"


And Gutsi smiled, and he waved, and he said, "Catch it up."


The sound fell and the long-prepared vision disappeared, and when it appeared, it appeared on the top of Chumán's head, on the cheeks of his cheeks, and now it was glittering with a terrible killing machine, with a gruesome breath of terror and a blizzard in the sky and repression of the entire scene.


"Guatin, I'm a mid-level coach at Tedu College, with a federal staff, and you dare to touch me."


Chuman is ugly and angry.

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