
宁静致凡 2024-06-03 11:24:39





Those Who Respect Themselves Fear Nothing

When the people are not afraid of the oppression of the ruler,

a terrible disaster is coming.

Do not interfere with the people when they settle down,

and do not oppress the people when they make a living.

Only if the people are not oppressed can they support the ruler.

Therefore, a wise sage is self-aware but does not show off,

and he respects but does not overvalue himself.

Hence, we should abandon the latter and maintain the former.


1. “民不畏威,则大威至”的英译

对这句话的理解,不同译本还是存在明显差别的。许渊冲译作“If people fear no power, it shows that their power is great.”即“如果人们不畏惧强权,则表明的他们的力量强大。”辜正坤译作“When the people are not afraid of the threatening might of the authority, the great tumult will soon ensue.”即“当人们不畏惧强权,则大的动荡即将来临。本书译作“When the people are not afraid of the oppression of the rulers, a terrible disaster is coming.”即“当人民不畏惧统治者的威压时,那么,可怕的祸乱就要到来了。”我们的理解和辜正坤相似,也是我们多方面查证和联系上下文后的选择。Arthur Waley译作“Never mind if the people are not intimidated by your authority.A Mightier Authority will deal with them in the end.”即“如果人民不惧怕你的权威没有关系,更强大的权威最终会对付他们。”Arthur的译文展现了与以上译本完全不同的理解和价值取向,在此笔者无需过多评论。

2. “无狎其所居,无厌其所生”的英译

译者对这句话的理解是“不要逼迫人民使其不得安居,不要压迫人民使其不能谋生。”因此译作“Do not interfere with the people when they settle down, and do not oppress the people when they make a living.”许渊冲译作“Do not deprive them of their houses, nor interfere in their life.”即“不要剥夺他们的住所,也不要干扰他们的生活。”辜正坤译作“Do not harass their living places; do not deprive them of their means of livelihood.”即“不要骚扰他们的住所,也不要剥夺他们谋生的手段。”Arthur Waley译作“Do not narrow their dwelling or harass their lives;”即“不要限制他们的居所或者骚扰他们的生活”。四个译本对该句的理解基本一致,但是在遣词造句上存在差异。

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  • 2024-08-06 19:01


