
天翰英语 2024-08-22 10:07:19


英 [ˌmɒdə'reɪʃn] 美 [ˌmɑːdə'reɪʃn]




“Moderation” 源自拉丁语 “moderatio”,意为“控制”或“调节”,来自 “moderatus”,即“适度的”或“有节制的”,这又源自 “modus”,意为“度量”或“方式”。这个词在中世纪英语中逐渐演变为现代形式“moderation”,强调在各种行为或情境中保持适当的平衡和节制。


① 《华盛顿邮报》 (The Washington Post), 2024年3月15日

“The doctor emphasized the importance of moderation in all aspects of diet to maintain good health.”


② 《经济学人》 (The Economist), 2023年6月22日

“Moderation in fiscal policy is crucial for sustaining long-term economic growth.”



在查尔斯·狄更斯的小说《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)中,“moderation” 用于描绘角色的行为和态度:

“His approach to life was marked by moderation, always avoiding extremes and seeking balance.”


◉Usage Examples

(1) To the extent that his resourcefulness enhances the prospect for perestroika at home and moderation abroad,it deserves a welcome in the West.

(2) Whisky can be good for you if taken in moderation.

(3) The secret of health is moderation in all things.

(4) He does everything in moderation.

(5) Moderation is a good policy at any altitude.

(1) 就他的才略有助于国内改革的前景以及对外关系的缓和程度而言,他是值得受西方欢迎的。

(2) 威士忌酒如饮用适度是有益的。

(3) 健康秘诀是凡事都要适度。

(4) 他做任何事情都很有节制。

(5) 有节制饮酒在任何海拔高度都适用。

◉Usage Notes

Eating foods in moderation is a key to maintaining a healthy diet. That means you have a little bit of everything, rather than gorging, say, on steak and ice cream.

The word moderation describes a middle ground often in either behavior or political opinions. When a politician tries not to be too extreme to the left or right, he is using moderation to hold a middle ground in the hopes of getting as many voters as possible. Moderation can also be the act of tempering an extreme. Try a moderation of your coffee habit, and cut down from 8 cups a day to 2.


1. [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]温和;中庸 If you say that someone's behaviour shows moderation, you approve of them because they act in a way that you think is reasonable and not extreme. [PHR after v] [approval]

The United Nations Secretary General called on all parties to show moderation.


...the moderation and deep sense of responsibility which characterized their thinking.


If you say that someone does something such as eat, drink, or smoke in moderation, you mean that they do not eat, smoke, or drink too much or more than is reasonable.(饮食、吸烟等)适度地,有节制地

Many adults are able to drink in moderation, but others become dependent on alcohol...


Fats and oils can be used in moderation.


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