
旧游成梦寐 2024-03-14 09:37:13


Water can flow up and down, from high to low, up to the clouds, and down into the sea.

水又能净化万物,无论世间万物多脏,它都敞开胸怀无怨无悔地接纳,然后慢慢净化自己。Water can purify all things, no matter how dirty everything is in the world, it opens its heart to accept without complaint or regret, and then slowly purifies itself.

人生路上,得失成败皆常态,凡事往前看,一切自有安排。On the road of life, success or failure is the norm. Looking ahead, everything has its own arrangements.

所有的支离破碎,都是为了珍惜来之不易的圆满。All the fragmentation is to cherish the hard won fulfillment.

所有的失去,都是为了给即将而来的美好,留出一席之地。All losses are meant to leave a place for the upcoming beauty.

不要为一时的得失而忧虑重重,更不必耿耿于怀。Don't worry too much about temporary gains and losses, let alone dwell on them.


Worried about gains and losses, it is easy to become entangled in pain; Only by watching gains and losses lightly can one be calm.


It is through enduring the pain of loss that one becomes the stronger and more abundant self.

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