
之山看军事 2023-08-07 09:54:00




一些亲战的Telegram频道声称该船是Olenegorsky Gornyak号,该船被用来运送军队和军事装备到乌克兰被占领的港口。

乌克兰的在线报纸《乌克兰真理》还发布了一段视频,称这是乌克兰安全局的一架水上无人机袭击了Olenegorsky Gornyak号船只。



周五,克里姆林宫拒绝回答记者就Olenegorsky Gornyak号船只所遭受的破坏问题提出的询问。

乌克兰《乌克兰真理》提供的视频显示,乌克兰安全局于2023年8月4日在诺沃罗西斯克湾进行了一次特种行动,造成了大型登陆舰“Оленегорский горняк”受损。






Russia claimed Friday it had thwarted Ukrainian sea and air drone attacks on a naval base in the Black Sea and the Crimean peninsula.

"Tonight, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the use of two unmanned sea boats, attempted an attack on the Novorossiysk naval base of the Russian Armed Forces," the Defense Ministry said on the Telegram messaging app, adding that Russian ships destroyed the seaborne drones in the first such attack on the port city.

Yet video published online showed what appeared to be a partly sunken Russian Navy vessel being towed in the waters around Novorossiysk.

Pro-war Telegram channels claimed the ship was the Olenegorsky Gornyak, which has been used to transport troops and military hardware into occupied Ukrainian ports.

Ukraine’s online newspaper Ukrainska Pravda also published video of what it said was a Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) seaborne drone attacking the Olenegorsky Gornyak.

“The Russians’ claims of a ‘repelled attack’ is fake,” an unnamed SBU source was quoted as saying by Ukrainska Pravda.

Similarly, Reuters, citing an anonymous Ukrainian intelligence source, said the vessel had suffered a “serious breach” that rendered it unable to conduct combat missions.

The Kremlin on Friday declined to answer journalists' questions about the reported damage to the Olenegorsky Gornyak.

СБУ провела спецоперацію в бухті Новоросійська - пошкоджений великий десантний корабель "Оленегорский горняк". Відео надане джерелами УП pic.twitter.com/raQavQp1qU

— Українська правда ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news)August 4, 2023

The Black Sea port of Novorossiysk hosts a pipeline terminal that carries most of Kazakhstan's oil exports through Russia.

Friday's drone attack prompted the terminal's operator Caspian Pipeline Consortium to temporarily halt the movement of ships in the area, according to the state-run Interfax news agency.

Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry said Friday it had downed 13 drones over the annexed Crimean peninsula, noting that there were no casualties or damage in the attacks.

Both Crimea and Russia's Black Sea Fleet have been regularly targeted since Moscow launched its invasion of Ukraine more than a year ago, but attacks have increased in recent weeks.

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