
阿特网 2023-12-27 11:29:04

1955 生于山东日照1976 毕业于山东艺术学校美术系1982 毕业于中国美术学院国画系并留校执教于中国画系,是改革开放后水墨艺术最早的探索者之一1986 赴美国旧金山艺术学院留学1987 赴加拿大担任约克大学艺术学院访问学者1988 在纽约设立郭桢工作室现居纽约。是活跃在国际艺术界的女性水墨艺术家,美国亚裔当代女性水墨艺术开拓者,参加过多个国际艺术展,并长期致力于国际当代女性艺术的研究和探索。“华人女性主义艺术家联盟”创始人。苏富比、保利等国际大拍卖公司多次推动其作品。近几年先后策划和参加了:中国长沙的“存在”国际女性艺术展、美国莫纳当代美术馆的“请触摸,身体边界”大型展览。韩国全北道立美术馆“亚洲女性艺术家展览”等。并经常在国内外大学做学术讲座。现为华人女性主义艺术家联盟CEO,北美艺术家协会会员,美国中国画协会副会员,美国女性艺术家协会会员,中国美术家协会会员,多座美术大学的客座教授。

1955 Born in Rizhao, Shandong

1976 Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Shandong Art School

1982 Graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting at the China Academy of Fine Arts and stayed on to teach at the department, she is one of the earliest explorers of ink and wash art after the reform and opening up

1986 Study abroad at the San Francisco Institute of the Arts in the United States

1987 Visiting Scholar at York University School of Arts in Canada

1988 Guo Zhen Studio was established in New York

Currently lives in New York. a female ink and wash artist active in the international art community, a pioneer of contemporary Asian female ink and wash art in the United States. She has participated in multiple international art exhibitions and has been dedicated to the research and exploration of international contemporary female art for a long time. Founder of the Chinese Feminist Artists Alliance. International auction houses such as Sotheby's and Poly have repeatedly promoted her works. In recent years, she has planned and participated in the "Existence" International Female Art Exhibition in Changsha, China, and the "Please Touch, Body Boundary" large-scale exhibition at the Mona Contemporary Art Museum in the United States. The "Asian Female Artists Exhibition" at the Jeonbuk do National Art Museum in South Korea. And often give academic lectures at domestic and foreign universities. the CEO of the Chinese Feminist Artists Alliance, member of the North American Artists Association, a vice member of the American Chinese Painting Association, member of American National Association Women Artists, member of the Chinese Artists Association, and a visiting professor at several art universities.

地平线上的皇冠(山河)  ⽔墨宣纸、荧光灯  2023Crown On The Horizon (Mountains and Rivers)Ink on rice paper, fluorescent lamps189×300×15cm

春势  ⽔墨、油画棒、宣纸  2022

Trend of Spring

Ink、oil pastel、rice paper


山上的彩虹  ⽔墨、油画棒、宣纸  2022-2023Rainbows Over The MountainsInk、oil pastel、rice paper98×189cm

昨天的雨  ⽔墨、油画棒、宣纸  2022Yesterday's RainInk、oil pastel、rice paper136×68cm

微撫  水墨、油彩、宣纸  2022-2023Breezing The BodyInk、oil pastel、rice paper189×98cm

祭  ⽔墨、丙烯、宣纸  2022AftermathAcrylic ink on rice paper189×296cm

祭  ⽔墨、丙烯、宣纸  2022AftermathAcrylic ink on rice paper189×98cm

祭  ⽔墨、丙烯、宣纸  2022AftermathAcrylic ink on rice paper189×98cm

祭  ⽔墨、丙烯、宣纸  2022AftermathAcrylic ink on rice paper189×98cm


哑声的风景——⽣命和⼤地  装置、多种材料  2022

Muted Landscape - Life and Earth

Installation、various materials


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