
公羽日月课程 2024-05-17 02:27:17

Day 240: On Separating Yourself From the Pain


Elite runners feel pain and discomfort during their hard workouts, but they react differently. Rather than panicking, they have a calm conversation: “This is starting to hurt now. It should. I’m running hard. But I am separate from this pain. It is going to be okay.” Like meditation, choose how to respond to the stress of a workout.


他们不会惊慌失措,而是能够平静地和内心对话: "现在开始疼了。这是正常的。跑步很辛苦,但我能够摆脱这种痛苦,一切都会好起来的。"


—Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness

Pain isn’t you, and you aren’t your pain. Separating yourself from temporary pain is a crucial ability if you want to put yourself in uncomfortable situations for the sake of bigger and better rewards in the future.



Whether it’s exercise, dieting, work, or virtually anything else requiring effort, pain is sometimes inevitable. Depending on how you react to it — with panic or a calm inner conversation — you’ll either let it hinder your progress or you’ll defeat it and progress further.



For example, when I’m climbing a particularly difficult route, my forearms burn like hell, I can barely breathe, and my grip is so weak that I’m mere milliseconds from falling. Whenever I’m able to do so, I try to disassociate myself from the pain and try to advance my position further, even if I fall right after grabbing the next handhold. This way, I get to train my mental toughness and strengthen my ability to perform despite pain .




Whenever you feel temporary pain or discomfort, remind yourself that you can make the pain partly fade into the background when you mentally refuse to associate yourself with it. Obviously, make sure that the pain you feel isn’t a sign of an impending injury or that it can lead to an accident.



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