Atanytime,任何时候, donotdoubtyourown

叶生游 2024-10-29 15:53:45

At any time, 任何时候, do not doubt your own value, 都不要怀疑自己的价值, or the meaning of your efforts. 也不要怀疑努力的意义。 Instead of worrying about the future, 与其焦虑未来, it’s better to focus on the present, 不如专注当下, and do what's right in front of you. 把眼前的事做好。 There are not so many talented individuals, 哪有那么多的天赋异禀, those excellent people have silently crossed mountains and valleys like you. 那些优秀的人都曾和你一样默默地翻山越岭。 Looking back a long time later, 很久之后回头再看, you will eventually realize that there is no shortcut to success, 你终会发现所有成功都没有捷径, only by persisting in hard work can you have the possibility of winning. 惟有坚持努力,才有赢的可能。 Not every effort will necessarily lead to success, 不是每一次努力都一定会成功。 but every effort is a lucky foreshadowing. 但每一次努力都是幸运的伏笔。 Through repeated efforts and persistence, 在一次又一次的努力和坚持中, you will eventually understand the meaning of hard work and struggle. 你终将明白努力奋斗的意义。 In the most beautiful times, 在最美好的时光里, you have truly become a better version of yourself, 你真的成为了更好的你, not wasting time. 没有辜负时光。 每日英语|任何时候,都不要怀疑自己的价值,也不要怀疑努力的意义。与其焦虑未来,不如专注当下,把眼前的事做好。哪有那么多的天赋异禀,那些优秀的人都曾和你一样,默默地翻山越岭。很久之后回头再看,你终会发现,所有成功都没有捷径,惟有坚持努力,才有赢的可能。不是每一次努力都一定会成功,但每一次努力都是幸运的伏笔。在一次又一次的努力和坚持中,你终将明白努力奋斗的意义。在最美好的时光里,你真的成为了更好的你,没有辜负时光。 At any time, do not doubt your own value or the meaning of your efforts. Instead of worrying about the future, it’s better to focus on the present, and do what's right in front of you. There are not so many talented individuals, those excellent people have silently crossed mountains and valleys like you. Looking back a long time later, you will eventually realize that there is no shortcut to success, only by persisting in hard work can you have the possibility of winning.Not every effort will necessarily lead to success, but every effort is a lucky foreshadowing.Through repeated efforts and persistence, you will eventually understand the meaning of hard work and struggle. In the most beautiful times, you have truly become a better version of yourself, not wasting time.来源:视频号,璠心素语

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