WhenIfirstmetyou当我第一次遇见你 Ineverth

叶生游 2024-11-07 12:17:14

When I first met you 当我第一次遇见你 I never thought you would touch my heart so deeply 我从未想过你会如此深深触动我的心 looking back at that moment 回首那一刻 it's amazing how life has led us to where we are now 生活把我们带到现在的位置真是太神奇了 I still remember when we first started talking 我还记得我们刚开始谈话的时候 I had no idea you would be the catalyst to bring energy back into my life 我不知道你会成为催化剂重新注入我的生活 you became the reason 你成了原因 behind the sparkle in my eyes 在我眼中的闪光背后 the motivation that had been missing for so long 消失了这么久的动力 I found myself excited about life again 我发现自己又对生活感到兴奋了 and every day seemed to hold new possibilities 每一天似乎都有新的可能性 you know what else you did 你知道你还做了什么吗 you make me fall asleep with a smile on my face 你让我带着微笑入睡 something as simple as drifting off into a dream 像漂流到梦中一样简单的事情 and becoming a joyful experience 并成为一种快乐的体验 because of your presence in my life 因为你出现在我的生活中 has been a source of happiness 一直是快乐的源泉 and I cherish every moment we share 我珍惜我们分享的每一刻 the way you weave yourself into my days my thoughts 你将自己融入我的生活我的思想 and my heart is beyond words 我的心无以言表 you became a part of my life and made it better 你成为了我生活的一部分让它变得更好 every memory created every challenge face together 每一段记忆都创造了共同面对的每一个挑战 remind me of the incredible bond we have formed 让我想起了我们之间的联系 as time goes on 随着时间的推移 I want you to know that losing you 我想让你知道失去你 is something I never want to experience 是我永远不想经历的 you are more than just a chapter in my life 你不仅仅是我生命中的一章 you are the heart of the story I am writing 你是我正在写的故事的核心 you brought light 你带来了光明 love and happiness I never thought was possible 我从未想过会有爱和幸福 I'm grateful for every moment we have 我感激我们拥有的每一刻 来源:视频号。 图文无关。雪后随写她的名字:斐雯霏。 catalyst:n.(化学)催化剂;诱因,诱导者 sparkle:v.闪烁,闪耀;生气勃勃,热情奔放;(眼睛)发亮;(酒类饮料)起泡;n.闪耀,闪烁;(眼睛的)神采;生气,活力;气泡 motivation:n.动力,诱因;积极性,干劲;(支持请求或倡议的)事实与理由 drifting:adj.漂流的,飘动的;v.漂移;缓缓移动;无意间发生;无意间进入;吹积;使……漂流;(注意力)分散(drift的现在分词) presence:n.出席,存在;(某人的)所在地方;感觉中的存在物(如鬼魂);驻扎部队,驻扎的警力;风度,气质;(公司在某地的)工人(或产品),势力 cherish:v.珍视,珍爱;怀念(过去),抱有(希望) formed:adj.成形的;v.构成;创立;使成形;制作 #英语学习#

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