
羊驼不会馋 2024-12-13 17:32:14
4️⃣5️⃣Draw out 📝英英释义:1. To pull something out of some other thing. 2. To make something longer than usual or necessary; prolong something. 3. To extract information from someone. 抽出、拉长、引出(信息等) ✍🏻实用例句:The burglar drew out a knife. 4️⃣6️⃣Work up 📝英英释义:1. to develop a particular feeling. 2. To excite or arouse one‘s emotions. 激发、酝酿出、唤起… ✍🏻实用例句:I just can’t work up any enthusiasm for this trip. 4️⃣7️⃣Keep a low profile 📝英英释义:stay out of public notice,avoid attracting attention to oneself. 保持低调 ✍🏻实用例句:Until his appointment becomes official, Ted is keeping a low profile . 4️⃣8️⃣High-maintenance 📝英英释义:needing a lot of work to keep in good condition. (of a person) demanding a lot of attention. 难保养的(物)、要求苛刻的(人) ✍🏻实用例句:If you’re high maintenance and believe you‘re the best girl, every man would be awed by your confidence and would try to woo you and win your fancy. 🦙我是羊驼学长,大三英专生,期待你的关🐷,我会持续为你分享地道表达和好书榜单[飞吻R]!

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