
刷单词课程 2024-07-13 15:54:34
今天是《20天学54篇英文小故事,搞定小学英语1200单词及听说读写》暑假小学英语学习计划的第6天。 妞妞:“安安老师,今天我们学习呀?”安安老师:“今天呀,我们要学习的内容在小学阶段很重要,学习一下小学阶段需要掌握的88个副词。妞妞,你知道什么是副词吗?” 妞妞:“你能举个单词例子吗,安安老师。” 安安老师:“好呀,先给你列出几个中文含义,你看一下这些单词有没有共同点,你听好:慢慢地、清晰地、大声地、礼貌地、生气地、开心地、仔细地...” 妞妞:“我听出来了,它们都有一个‘地’,是不是呀?” 安安老师:“是的,妞妞,不过这些只是副词的一类。副词在英语中主要用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词和全句,听起来可能比较复杂,下面我们把副词细分为下面五类,分别是:时间副词、地点副词、程度副词、方式副词和连接副词,为了方便应用和理解,今天我们通过下面5篇小短文故事来把小学阶段需要掌握的88个副词的使用方法讲清楚。” 妞妞:“好的,安安老师,我会认真学习的。” 安安老师:“副词的概念虽然听起来有些抽象,如果我们把这此副词放到短文和句子中去学,只要读熟句子,就不难掌握这些词的用法。” 【短文音频】 【短文正文1】《充实的一天》-- 第8篇(共54篇)【知识点:时间副词】 My daily routine is quite varied. 我的日常安排相当多样。 I usually wake up early and start my day. 我通常早起并开始我的一天。 Sometimes, I oversleep and get up late. 有时,我睡过头并且起床晚。 I often have breakfast at home, but once a week, I go to a café. 我经常在家吃早餐,但一周有一次会去咖啡馆。 I always do my exercises in the morning. 我总是在早上做锻炼。 Just now, I finished them quickly. 刚刚,我很快就完成了。 I seldom skip this routine. 我很少跳过这个常规活动。 I go to work and come back home twice a day. 我一天两次去上班然后回家。 Once, I had to work overtime and came home very late. 有一次,我不得不加班并且很晚才回家。 Later in the evening, I sometimes watch TV or read a book. 晚上晚些时候,我有时看电视或者读书。 I never go out on weekdays, but on weekends, I often go shopping or meet friends. 在工作日我从不出去,但在周末,我经常去购物或者见朋友。 Finally, I hope to have a relaxing time tonight. 最后,我希望今晚能有一段放松的时光。 Then, I'll go to bed soon and start a new day tomorrow. 然后,我很快就会上床睡觉并且明天开始新的一天。 【单词背诵1】 ago [əˈɡəʊ] adv. 以前 just [dʒʌst] adv. 正好、刚刚 early [ɜːlɪ] adv. 早 late [leɪt] adv. 晚、迟 always [ˈɔːlweɪz] adv. 总是 usually [ˈjuːʒʊəlɪ] adv. 通常 often [ˈɔf(ə)n;(US)ˈɔːfn] adv. 经常 sometimes [ˈsʌmtaɪmz] adv. 有时候 seldom [ˈseldəm] adv. 很少 never [ˈnevə(r)] adv. 从不、绝不 once [wʌns] adv. 一次、从前 twice [twaɪs] adv. 两次、两倍 once a week [wʌns ə wiːk] adv. 一周一次 twice a day [twaɪs ə deɪ] adv. 一天两次 tonight [təˈnaɪt] adv. 今晚 now [naʊ] adv. 现在 soon [sʌn] adv. 不久、很快 then [ðen] adv. 当时、然后 finally [ˈfaɪnəli] adv. 最后、最终 later [ˈleɪtə(r)] adv. 后来 【短文正文2】 《发现美的国外旅行》-- 第9篇(共54篇)【知识点:地点副词】 I have always wanted to travel abroad. 我一直都想去国外旅行。 This year, I finally made it. 今年,我终于做到了。 I went far away from home and explored many new places. 我离家很远,探索了很多新的地方。 I walked around the downtown area, saw many interesting things. 我在市中心到处走,看到了很多有趣的东西。 Sometimes, I went upstairs to enjoy the view from higher floors. 有时,我上楼去从更高的楼层欣赏风景。 I also visited some nearby attractions. 我还参观了一些附近的景点。 I went inside the museums and learned a lot. 我走进博物馆,学到了很多。 One day, I decided to go outside and explore the countryside. 有一天,我决定出去探索乡村。 I walked forward and found a beautiful lake. 我向前走,发现了一个美丽的湖。 After a while, I felt tired and went back to the hotel. 过了一会儿,我感到累了,就回到了酒店。 I went downstairs and had a rest. 我下楼休息了一下。 I realized that you can find beauty everywhere, whether it's here or anywhere else. 我意识到到处都能发现美,无论是这里还是其他任何地方。 【单词背诵2】 abroad [əˈbrɔːd] adv. 在国外 downtown [ˈdaʊntaʊn] adv. 在市区 far [fɑː(r)] adv. 远远地 nearby [ˈnɪəbaɪ] adv. 在附近 inside [ɪnˈsaɪd] adv. 在里面 outside [aʊtˈsaɪd] adv. 在外面 home [həʊm] adv. 在家 out [aʊt] adv. 在外、向外 here [hɪə(r)] adv. 这里 there [ðeə(r)] adv. 那里 anywhere [ˈenɪweə(r)] adv. 任何地方 everywhere [ˈevrɪweə(r)] adv. 到处、处处 around [əˈraʊnd] adv. 在周围 downstairs [ˈdaʊnsteəz] adv. 在楼下 upstairs [ʌpˈsteəz] adv. 在楼上 back [bæk] adv. 向后 down [daʊn] adv. 向下 up [ʌp] adv. 向上 forward [ˈfɔːwəd] adv. 向前 away [əˈweɪ] adv. 离开、远离 【短文正文3】 《学习一门新语言》-- 第10篇(共54篇)【知识点:程度副词】 I have been trying to learn a new language. 我一直在努力学习一门新语言。 It's very hard, but I'm still determined. 这非常难,但我仍然很坚定。 I study for hours every day, almost without any breaks. 我每天学习好几个小时,几乎没有任何休息。 I practice speaking, writing, and reading. 我练习说、写和读。 I'm really trying my best, but I can only make a little progress. 我真的在尽最大努力,但我只能取得一点点进步。 Even so, I'm not going to give up. 即便如此,我也不打算放弃。 I know that I need to study quite a lot to be good at it. 我知道要学好它我需要学习很多。 I have learned nearly all the grammar rules, but I still make mistakes sometimes. 我几乎学完了所有的语法规则,但有时还是会犯错。 At least I can understand some simple conversations now. 至少我现在能理解一些简单的对话了。 At most, I hope to be able to speak fluently in the future. 最多,我希望未来能够流利地说。 I'm certainly not perfect yet, but I'm improving. 我当然还不完美,但我在进步。 It's enough for me to keep going. 这足以让我继续前进。 I'm very happy with my progress, and I will keep working hard. 我对自己的进步非常高兴,并且我会继续努力。 【单词背诵3】 very [ˈverɪ] adv. 很、非常 quite [kwaɪt] adv. 非常 too [təˈnaɪt] adv. 也、太 really [ˈriːəli] adv. 真正地 also [ˈɔːlsəʊ] adv. 也 enough [ɪˈnʌf] adv. 足够地 even [ˈiːv(ə)n] adv. 甚至 again [əˈɡeɪn] adv. 再、又 at least [æt liːst] adv. 至少 at most [æt məʊst] adv. 最多 so [səʊ] adv. 如此 hard [hɑːd] adv. 努力地、猛烈地 hardly [ˈhɑːdlɪ] adv. 几乎不 almost [ˈɔːlməʊst] adv. 几乎 only [ˈəʊnlɪ] adv. 仅仅 still [stɪl] adv. 仍然、还 nearly [ˈnɪəlɪ] adv. 几乎 certainly [ˈsɜːtənlɪ] adv. 一定、当然 【短文正文4】 《特别的一天》-- 第11篇(共54篇)【知识点:方式副词】 Yesterday was a special day. 昨天是特别的一天。 I was alone at home in the morning and did my homework carefully. 早上我独自在家,认真地做着作业。 Later, my friends came and we played together happily. 后来,我的朋友们来了,我们一起开心地玩耍。 We went to a restaurant for lunch. 我们去一家餐馆吃午饭。 Some of us ate hungrily while others ate slowly. 我们中有些人吃得很饿,而另一些人吃得很慢。 When the bill came, we paid altogether. 当账单来的时候,我们一起付了钱。 On the way back, we saw a man shouting angrily on the street. 在回来的路上,我们看到一个男人在街上愤怒地大喊。 We walked past him politely. 我们礼貌地从他身边走过。 In the evening, we ran fast in the park. 晚上,我们在公园里跑得很快。 We could hear the music loudly. 我们能听到音乐声很大。 Actually, it was a wonderful day. 实际上,这是美好的一天。 We had a great time and everything was clearly remembered. 我们玩得很开心,一切都清晰地被记住。 【单词背诵4】 alone [əˈləʊn] adv. 单独地、adj.单独的 together [təʊst] adv. 一起 actually [ˈæktʃuəli] adv. 事实上 altogether [ɔːltəˈɡeðə(r)] adv. 总共 hungrily [ˈhʌŋɡrəli] adv. 饥饿地 fast [fɑːst;(US)fæst] adv. 快速地、adj.快速的 quickly [ˈkwɪkli] adv. 迅速地 slowly [ˈsləʊli] adv. 慢慢地 clearly [ˈklɪəlɪ] adv. 清晰地 loudly [laʊdlɪ] adv. 大声地 politely [pə'laɪtli] adv. 礼貌地 angrily [ˈæŋgrɪli] adv. 生气地 happily ['hæpɪlɪ] adv. 开心地 carefully ['keəfəlɪ] adv. 仔细地 easily [ˈiːzɪlɪ] adv. 简单地 【短文正文5】 《变化的假期计划》-- 第12篇(共54篇)【知识点:连接副词】 I was planning my vacation. 我在计划我的假期。 First, I wanted to go to the beach. 首先,我想去海滩。 However, the weather forecast wasn't good. 然而,天气预报不太好。 Unluckily, it might rain during that time. 不幸的是,那段时间可能会下雨。 Then, I thought about going to the mountains. 然后,我想到去山里。 Maybe it would be a nice choice. 也许这会是个不错的选择。 Possibly, I could enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery. 有可能,我可以享受新鲜的空气和美丽的风景。 Next, I considered visiting some historical cities. 接下来,我考虑去参观一些历史名城。 For example, I was interested in ancient towns. 例如,我对古老的城镇感兴趣。 Besides, I could learn a lot about the past. 此外,我可以了解很多过去的事情。 After that, I still couldn't make a decision. 在那之后,我还是没法做决定。 Perhaps I needed more time to think. 或许我需要更多时间思考。 Also, I needed to check my budget. 而且,我需要检查我的预算。 Finally, I decided to go to a countryside village. 最后,我决定去一个乡村。 Luckily, I had a wonderful time there. 幸运的是,我在那里度过了美好的时光。 Probably, it was the best choice after all. 大概,这终究是最好的选择。 【单词背诵5】 luckily [ˈlʌkɪli] adv. 幸运地 unluckily [ʌnˈlʌkɪli] adv. 不幸地 first [fɜːst] adv. 首先 next [nekst] adv. 紧接着 then [ðen] adv. 接着、然后 after that [ˈɑːftə(r) ðæt] adv. 之后 also [ˈɔːlsəʊ] adv. 另外 besides [bɪˈsaɪdz] adv. 除....外 finally [ˈfaɪnəli] adv. 最后 for example [fɔː(r) ɪɡˈzɑːmpl] adv. 例如 however [haʊˈevə(r)] adv. 然而、但是 maybe [ˈmeɪbiː] adv. 大概、也许 perhaps [pəˈhæps] adv. 可能、大概 possibly [ˈpɒsəbli] adv. 可能、大概 probably [ˈprɔbəb(ə)lɪ] adv. 可能、大概
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