
天翰英语 2024-05-13 01:49:48


英 [həʊks] 美 [hoʊks]

v.欺骗;哄骗;愚弄 n.愚弄人;恶作剧



"hoax” 这个单词源自17世纪的英语,最初出现在欧洲的一些方言中,其词源不太确定,但可能与拉丁语 “hocus”(表示用于迷惑的幻术)有关。“Hoax” 作为名词指的是一种愚弄或欺骗的行为,作为动词则表示进行愚弄或欺骗。


① The news of a celebrity’s death turned out to be a hoax, much to the relief of their fans.


——The New York Times - 2023年4月

② A viral video claiming to show a UFO sighting was later revealed to be a hoax orchestrated by a group of pranksters.


——The Guardian - 2023年7月

③ The company’s announcement of a revolutionary new product was met with skepticism, with many suspecting it to be another marketing hoax.


——BBC News - 2023年10月

◉Usage Examples

(1) All hoax viruses are essentially chain letters.

(2) Some posters on Chinese bulletin boards and blogs have argued that Mr Zhou was perhaps merely a hapless tool in a hoax perpetrated mainly by bureaucrats.

(3) Mainstream critics argue that the entire affair is a hoax.

(4) Authorities call the apparent hoax reprehensible, but even with just five feet.

(5) I never thought my hoax would go so far and I felt awful when some of you got so excited about knowing the title.

(1) 所有的欺骗性病毒基本都是连续性的字母。

(2) 一些中文的贴子和博客提出,周也许不过是官方欺骗闹剧中的一个不幸的工具而已。

(3) 主流的批评家批评整件事是一场愚弄。

(4) 官方称这是明显的愚弄行为,应该遭受斥责,但是仍然还有五只断脚。

(5) 我从来没有想到我的恶作剧会这么不可收拾,你们为得知新书名而欣喜不已时我真觉得糟糕透了。

◉Usage note

If you put on big fake feet, stomp through your muddy backyard and tell everyone you saw Bigfoot fixing a steak on your grill, you are playing a hoax on your friends.

Hoax is believed to be a shortened version of hocus pocus, thus conveying the feeling of trickery and sleight of hand. April First, also known as April Fools' Day, is a day of hoaxes. Successful hoaxes in history: Orson Welles' War-of-the-Worlds radio broadcast in 1938 and the alien autopsy film footage made public in the 1990s. Do you believe the American moon landing in 1969 was a hoax? You're not alone. Six percent of Americans believe this event was staged.


1. [N-COUNT 可数名词]恶作剧;假警报;骗局A hoax is a trick in which someone tells people a lie, for example that there is a bomb somewhere when there is not, or that a picture is genuine when it is not. [usu with supp]

① A series of bomb hoaxes has disrupted Christmas shopping in the city centre...


②He denied making the hoax call but was convicted after a short trial.


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