
袁小汐课程 2024-08-04 14:50:39

七夕快乐,愿我们的爱永远如初。Happy Double Seventh Festival, may our love always be as it was at the beginning.

遇见你,是我最大的幸运。Meeting you is my greatest luck.

愿这花束带给你温馨与甜蜜。May this bouquet bring you warmth and sweetness.

七夕之际,愿我们的心紧紧相连。On this Double Seventh Festival, may our hearts be closely connected.

爱你,是我每天最美好的事。Loving you is the most wonderful thing I do every day.

愿这特别的日子,充满爱与幸福,因为有你,我的世界才如此完美。May this special day be filled with love and happiness, because with you, my world is perfect.

你是我生命中最美的诗篇。You are the most beautiful poem in my life.

七夕节快乐,愿我们的爱永远绽放。Happy Double Seventh Festival, may our love always bloom.

有你相伴,每一天都是幸福的。With you by my side, every day is happy.

愿我们的爱情,像这花束一样绚烂多彩。May our love be as colorful and gorgeous as this bouquet.

我爱你,比昨天更多,比明天少一点,因为每一天,我都比前一天更加爱你。I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow, because every day I love you more than the day before.

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