
天翰英语 2024-09-02 12:55:00


英 ['brɪtl] 美 ['brɪtl]

adj.易碎的;尖利的;脆弱的 n.果仁薄脆糖


“Brittle” 一词源自古英语单词 “brytt”,意为“易碎的”。它的词源可以追溯到原始日耳曼语中的 “*brutaz”,意为“破裂”或“碎裂”。这一词根反映了“brittle” 在现代英语中的基本含义,即指容易破碎或裂开的特性。


① 《纽约时报》 (The New York Times), 2024年5月15日

“The brittle economic recovery has left many people wary of spending too much in uncertain times.”


② 《金融时报》 (Financial Times), 2023年11月2日

“The brittle nature of the new technology means that it is prone to frequent malfunctions under stress.”



在查尔斯·狄更斯的《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)中,“brittle” 描述了人物的脆弱性:

“Fagin’s brittle demeanor and haggard appearance betrayed his underlying fear of the authorities.”


◉Usage Examples

(1) The ice is brittle as the thin glass.

(2) The pond was covered in a brittle layer of ice.

(3) Constant stress has made our nerves brittle.

(4) The orchestra was brittle in tone.

(5) Constant stress had made our nerves brittle.

(6) We are not satisfied with his brittle promise.

(1) 这些冰像薄的玻璃一样易碎。

(2) 池塘覆盖了一层易碎的冰。

(3) 我们长期处于紧张状态,神经已经吃不消了。

(4) 管弦乐队演奏的曲调尖利刺耳。

(5) 持续的紧张让我们的精神很脆弱。

(6) 我们对他所做的靠不住的诺言不满意。

◉Usage Notes

Something brittle is easily broken. Do you have brittle bones? Then, no football or rugby for you.

Besides meaning easily fractured and emotionally cold, brittle is also a type of candy made of cooled sugar. To make peanut brittle, bake the ingredients on a cookie sheet then let the brittle cool into sheets which you break into pieces (and then eat — wreaking havoc with your braces). It's ok to use the adjective brittle freely to describe lots of things that will break easily — such as a heart, a theory, or a poorly equipped army.


1. [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]脆的;易碎的 An object or substance that is brittle is hard but easily broken.

Pine is brittle and breaks.


...the dry, brittle ends of the hair.


2. [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]脆弱的;不稳固的;易变的 If you describe a situation, relationship, or someone's mood as brittle, you mean that it is unstable, and may easily change.

These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still brittle...


This may help to undermine the brittle truce that currently exists.


3. [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]尖刻的;冷漠麻木的 Someone who is brittle seems rather sharp and insensitive and says things which are likely to hurt other people's feelings.

...Noel Coward's brittle comedy of bad manners.


4. [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](声音)尖厉的 A brittle sound is short, loud, and sharp.

Myrtle gave a brittle laugh.


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