
我杂食主义 2024-11-12 12:32:31
There was a frivolity to the night ride, too, a kind of frivolity I hadn’t felt past years. I’d spent so much time sitting at a desk, sitting in bed, sitting on a couch. Sitting and worrying and doom-scrolling. My days were defined by a constant dread, and the world felt like a thing that happened to me, not something I could participate in. But during the night ride, I paid attention only to the moment. If I didn’t, I’d hit the pothole in the road, or my wheel would fall into some precarious groove. So by necessity, I became present, and I felt present, which is to say everything started to feel fun again. 写作/口语指南:这段文字适用性很强。刷手机,焦虑的片段也是对现代人生活的真实刻画。人人都离不开手机,人人都焦虑上火。 而【骑行】的例子可以替换为任何你生活中的小爱好,小确幸,任何能让你有活着感觉的事物。 可以把这个片段大胆用到关于兴趣爱好,生活乐趣的话题中。 更多 👸🏻 杂食主义的意志世界

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